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Crema: A Sub-Turing Programming Language

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Crema is a LLVM front-end that aims to specifically execute in sub-Turing Complete space. Designed to be simple to learn, and practical for the majority of programming tasks needed, Crema can restrict the computational complexity of the program to the minimum needed to improve security.

Technical Details

Crema is developed in C++ in order to natively utilize the LLVM tool-chain and integrate with flex/bison to simplify parser generation.

Getting started

Start off by cloning the latest version of Crema from this git repository

Building the Crema Tool

Before building the Crema tool, make sure that you have the following dependencies installed on your environment:

  1. g++
  2. bison:
  3. llvm-dev
  4. flex: http:(C) 2014-2015 Assured Information Security, Inc.//

Build the Crema tool by running make in the src directory. This will create the "cremacc" program. You can clean the src directory by running make clean

Compiling your Crema programs with cremacc

To compile a Crema program into LLVM IR for JIT execution, simply use the "cremacc" program.

Crema files use the extention ".crema". To build a crema file into an executable named "program.exe", use the command:

./cremacc -f <path-to-a-crema-file> -o program

To print LLVM assembly to a file, use the -S option: ./cremacc -f <path-to-a-crema-file> -S <output-file-name>.ll

For help with all of the other command line options available for cremacc, simply run: ./cremacc -h

Learning Crema

Use the Wiki to get started with code examples, reference information, and other general topics about the Crema language.

Distribution Statement "A" (Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited)

(C) 2014-2015 Assured Information Security, Inc.